MoneyMakerLand - Get free referrals and make money online
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Why should I have to sponsorize?
Booking a link means inserting your own referral link in the description of the business. You can sponsorize the reservations for more advantages:
  • Suggested business: if you want to be sure to have one daily reservation blocking offers by covering the cost of the maximum offer
  • Rewards more the users: members can get 800 points (instead of 400) in case of subscriptions
  • More visibilty: sponsored businesses will be in the top of the lists and they appears as popup on the right bottom part of the screen
  • Link in ADS frames: during the navigations your ref link will be showed to the users in the ADS frame
Check out our sponsoring service
What's the meaning of the words under the green button?
MoneyMakerLand is one of the best online platforms to get free direct referral. We offer an advanced service that allows you to insert the ref-link in the "Visit now" green button of our official description of Hit Leap.
  • Reserved: there is a ref-link of a member that used our referral reservation service
  • Sponsored: there is a ref-link of a member that shared his sponsored link
  • Not reserved: there isn't a ref-link of a member even if Hit Leap has a reference system
  • Not bookable: Hit Leap doesn't have a referral system to invite friends
Check out our referral booking service
36th place in the ranking
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Hit Leap
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Grank: 0.2

Hit Leap

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Usage informations

We collect the various businesses suggested by users and we have nothing to do with the latter (including Hit Leap), therefore it is not responsible for any possible wrongdoing.
We also don't force and not invite anyone to sign up, so using the various businesses presented (including Hit Leap) should be considered as an autonomous and conscious choice of the individual who, assuming all the responsibilities, decides to open a position with this business.

Are you a responsible?

If you've noticed any errors or need to delete Hit Leap from MoneyMakerLand, you can contact us directly by email at moneymakerland@gmail.com

in "paid to surf"
in the ranking
Usage informations

We collect the various businesses suggested by users and we have nothing to do with the latter (including Hit Leap), therefore it is not responsible for any possible wrongdoing.
We also don't force and not invite anyone to sign up, so using the various businesses presented (including Hit Leap) should be considered as an autonomous and conscious choice of the individual who, assuming all the responsibilities, decides to open a position with this business.

Are you a responsible?

If you've noticed any errors or need to delete Hit Leap from MoneyMakerLand, you can contact us directly by email at moneymakerland@gmail.com

How to make money with Hit Leap: full review

Reason of the suspension
The website closed few months ago and it doensn't offer any service anymore
The publication of Hit Leap in MoneyMakerLand has been temporarily or permanently suspended.
We don't have any interests with the businesses being suggested and our goal is not to promote any online earning method, but it is committed to providing the user with a good security system through the feedback that is provided by the users themselves.

Thanks for the support,
The MoneyMakerLand staff

Hitleap was born as a traffic exchange.
The site allows you to earn only through affiliate and purchase of upgrades from our referrals.
Although it is not an economic gain, we will earn visits to our sites.
The site carries copyright since 2015 but the site is actually active for several years and has more than 100,000 active members.

The Hitleap site has a simple and intuitive graphics that is updated and improved recently.
Once logged in, we will immediately have a menu to access the various sections of the site and the statistics of our visitors.

Payments are timely and accurate. The traffic exchange service is great and fast. In fact, HitLeap is a leader in the industry.
Speaking sbout earnings, we said that you earn commissions from referrals.
Hitleap pays from 5.00 € on PayPal within 24 hours of the request.
Visits are automatic and for the time we keep open the autosurf we gain minutes that we can assign to our sites.
We can open the autosurf from the browser on the site or download the program provided by Hitleap that allows us a greater gain of visits.
As far as operation is concerned, Hitleap earns on the basis of the upgrade we own (from a minimum of 20% to a maximum of 50% commissions from the purchase of our referrals), so the gain will vary from our ability to bring new members and their willingness to benefit from Hitleap upgrades and packs.
The basic aspect of the site is its reference system which varies depending on the upgrade levels:
- FREE we earn 20% commission from our refs;
- PREMIUM LITE we earn 30% commission from our refs;
- PREMIUM we earn 50% commission from our refs.
We will also earn 10% / 20% / 30% minutes from our refs respectively.
More useful details?
We recommend downloading the traffic exchange program, it is convenient and takes more minutes to use.
Adult content is not allowed in traffic exchange.