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Why should I have to sponsorize?
Booking a link means inserting your own referral link in the description of the business. You can sponsorize the reservations for more advantages:
  • Suggested business: if you want to be sure to have one daily reservation blocking offers by covering the cost of the maximum offer
  • Rewards more the users: members can get 800 points (instead of 400) in case of subscriptions
  • More visibilty: sponsored businesses will be in the top of the lists and they appears as popup on the right bottom part of the screen
  • Link in ADS frames: during the navigations your ref link will be showed to the users in the ADS frame
Check out our sponsoring service
What's the meaning of the words under the green button?
MoneyMakerLand is one of the best online platforms to get free direct referral. We offer an advanced service that allows you to insert the ref-link in the "Visit now" green button of our official description of Oval Money.
  • Reserved: there is a ref-link of a member that used our referral reservation service
  • Sponsored: there is a ref-link of a member that shared his sponsored link
  • Not reserved: there isn't a ref-link of a member even if Oval Money has a reference system
  • Not bookable: Oval Money doesn't have a referral system to invite friends
Check out our referral booking service
-th place in the ranking
Oval Money
Grank: 5.80
Link not reserved
( ? )
Grank: 5.80

Oval Money

Link not reserved
( ? )
Usage informations

We collect the various businesses suggested by users and we have nothing to do with the latter (including Oval Money), therefore it is not responsible for any possible wrongdoing.
We also don't force and not invite anyone to sign up, so using the various businesses presented (including Oval Money) should be considered as an autonomous and conscious choice of the individual who, assuming all the responsibilities, decides to open a position with this business.

Are you a responsible?

If you've noticed any errors or need to delete Oval Money from MoneyMakerLand, you can contact us directly by email at moneymakerland@gmail.com

21st position
in "electronic wallets"
-th position
in the ranking
Usage informations

We collect the various businesses suggested by users and we have nothing to do with the latter (including Oval Money), therefore it is not responsible for any possible wrongdoing.
We also don't force and not invite anyone to sign up, so using the various businesses presented (including Oval Money) should be considered as an autonomous and conscious choice of the individual who, assuming all the responsibilities, decides to open a position with this business.

Are you a responsible?

If you've noticed any errors or need to delete Oval Money from MoneyMakerLand, you can contact us directly by email at moneymakerland@gmail.com

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How to make money with Oval Money: full review

Created by Hollen86 Calendar 18 june 2020

With Oval Money services that allow to deposit your earnings, but how does it work Oval Money? How to get direct referrals for free in Oval Money? Reading this article you'll understand how to make money with Oval Money.

How to make money online e how to get free referrals with Oval Money
You can alert the community, but before you need to login in MoneyMakerLand.

val Money is a savings and investment system, it was founded in 2016 in London by an Italian and has been operating in Italy since 2017. Although very young, it already has thousands of users.
The use takes place through an application for smartphones and iPhones that can be downloaded for free from the various stores, with a very simple and clean graphic interface and completely in Italian, making it very easy and intuitive to use.
After registering by invitation, you will immediately receive 5 euros of free credit and an additional 5 euros will be recognized for each invited friend.
The system is very simple, it connects securely to current accounts and / or payment cards, allowing us to monitor all our expenses and set aside savings automatically by choosing between the various savings STEP.
All accumulated savings will be set aside in a "piggy bank" that relies on Banca Intesa San Paolo, and will be accessible and transferable to our accounts at any time.
The system offers an integrated chat with its operators, experts in the financial sector who are always ready to come to our aid.
In addition to what has already been said, Oval Money allows us to obtain a debit card, which will be activated and sent to us for free, thanks to which we will be able to manage our funds, being able to carry out all normal activities such as purchases in physical and online stores. , make transfers and more.

How to make money online with Oval Money

How to make money online with Oval Money

Technical informations to optimize the revenue website of Oval Money

Oval Money was born as a system to be able to save money, once registered, all you have to do is make our normal purchases through our cards and bank accounts and our savings will be automatically set aside.
The application allows us to set various savings STEP, one of many is the possibility to put aside the "small change" of our purchases, rounding up our spending, for example. if we make a purchase by paying a hypothetical figure of € 14.45 the system will round to € 15.00 automatically setting aside the 0.65 cents. which will end up in our "piggy bank". Another saving method is to set a certain amount to be set aside automatically every week.
In addition to the savings system, Oval Money allows us to make financial investments in mutual funds starting from various figures, in total freedom, without any restriction on amount or recurrence. You can choose between various risk and return profiles, so that you can make investments in a simple and intuitive way and just a click away, in fact, by going to the appropriate section dedicated to investments, we can check the progress of our positions at any time , allowing us to decide whether to continue investing or close our position by withdrawing what we have earned.

Referral system in Oval Money

Referral system in Oval Money

Reference system of Oval Money, can you make extra money inviting your friends?

Oval provides a very simple reference system, through the referral link, located in the lower part of the Home that allows us to invite friends through all known systems, such as social media, mail and more. Friends will only have to download the app via link and complete the registration, in this way they will be recognized both to us, who made the invitation, and to them the amount of € 5.00, without any limit of invitations.

Are you searching for free direct referrals in Oval Money?
Our members got 10.079 referrals thanks to our "Reservation service"
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How to withdraw in Oval Money
How to withdraw in Oval Money
Detailed informations about the payments in Oval Money

All our savings and gains, both through investment and through the invitation of friends, will all end up in our account called "Oval Future". These funds, we may decide to transfer them, all or in part, at any time, to our Oval Pay card, by clicking on the appropriate section of the latter, located at the top of the Home and clicking on the "Transfer" button starting from a digit for only € 5.00. The transfer is almost immediate and once made it will give us the opportunity to spend our savings in any way by using the card mentioned above. In fact, being a full-fledged debit card that relies on VISA circuits, it will allow us to make purchases in all physical or virtual stores, make transfers, and withdrawals from any ATM.

Info specifics Oval Money Oval Money: info specifics
Overview about Oval Money in MoneyMakerLand
Name Oval Money
Grank 5.80
Category Electronic Wallets
Languages EnglishItalianSpanishFrenchGerman
Payout 5.00 $
Payment processors Other...
Referral system 5,00 €
Payments on MML 10.00 $ (view all)
Reviews on MML 3 (view all)
Rating by users 2.93 on 5.00 stars
Chats on MML 0 (view all)
Expert users on MML 3 (view all)