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unBTC is a faucet site (as well as Faucet) of Bitcoin that allows you to earn Satoshi every 5 minutes. Simple and fast use, just enter your Bitcoin address and press the "claim" button.
There will open a page with a double captcha to be resolved within:
- Select a moving object within a gif (you must wait for the word "Resolved" to appear before you go ahead, otherwise the claim will not be valid)
- Put in order 4 famous characters (Vip, cartoons, manga etc.)
Since 2015 online SunBTC belongs to the same family as the much more popular GetYourBitco.in and the "house" imprint is very present in this Faucet: linearity and high earnings.
The site presents a grandiose Sun as a background and advertising that is not invasive during navigation.
A brief description of the cryptocurrent world and their opinion mainly on trading and Bitcoin can be found below along with e-amil for assistance.
How to make money online with Sunbtc
Technical informations to optimize the revenue website of Sunbtc
Payout can be made at 1000 Satoshi and the supported micro-wallets are FaucetSystem and FaucetHub.
At SunBTC there is the Daily Bonus which pays 5% of Satoshi earned through daily claims. A countdown indicates how much time is left for the next update and the corresponding Satoshi credit. A counter signals the Satoshi that we are going to earn daily for only 24 hours.
The referral system earns 20% from the affiliates' commissions. A counter reports referrals and total commissions.
The main counter signals:
- Total satoshi earned
- Satoshi earned last claim
- Reflink
The Bitcoin value updated in real time is shown in dollars.
It is possible to use browser extensions for advertising blocking without your permanence on SunBTC.
Faucet available only in English without translations of any kind but, given the simple use, it is easily useless even by the most distracted reader.
Sunbtc: info specifics
Overview about Sunbtc in MoneyMakerLand
Name |
Sunbtc |
Grank |
6.65 |
Category |
Faucet |
Languages |
Payout |
5.00 $ |
Payment processors |
Referral system |
20% |
Payments on MML |
$ (view all) |
Reviews on MML |
3 (view all) |
Rating by users |
Chats on MML |
0 (view all) |
Expert users on MML |
2 (view all) |