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How to make money online with online shopping

Online shopping: you can earn money by saving on purchases
As anticipated in the home page of the "Save money" section, one of the most important savings opportunities is online shopping, that is, shopping on the internet at rough prices.
If you are not an industry expert, I'm sure you will be amazed at how cheap it is to buy items online with discounts up to 70-80% of the price list.
But how do these sites sell such low priced items? Are you sure it's not a S**M?
Answering this question is very simple and the mechanism is fairly immediate to understand why it also happens in real life. At the heart of everything is the law of big numbers or to say it economically: wholesale sales. If you buy a notebook, for example, you pay € 1.00 while you get a 6-pack, you only pay € 5.00 (€ 1.00 less). Likewise, it happens in these cases.
The major brands (Sony, Nike, Apple, ...) offer the possibility to the sites in question to be able to see their products at roughly minced prices reaching a minimum number of sales.
Let's take a clarification example (prices and percentages are completely invented to show the mechanism better):
"If we go to a regular store we will find an iPhone at 600.00 € But this price is to be divided into several parts: 200.00 € are for example the actual cost used to create the phone, 200.00 € will be the gain of Apple, 100.00 € will be the wholesaler's gain and 100.00 € that of the shopkeeper. But if in the same shop we buy for example 20 iPhone you will see that instead of paying a single item 600.00 € the shop will give you a discount that you will allow you to buy 20 cell phones at 550,00 € one (so much the gain is above all in the quantity sold). That's what happens for sites like Groupon where, in spite of the large number of sales (that's what there is a minimum of reservations to reach), Apple lets you lower sales prices (for the same reason as the shopkeeper).

But that's not all!
We were forgetting, but in the online shopping sites there is no passage in the sales chain: the shopkeeper's ring is missing (so the wholesaler immediately goes to the customer). Synthesizing the example just made the calculation is taken: from the 600.00 € we spend to buy an iPhone in the store, there is to subtract 50.00 € for the large number of sales and a further 100.00 € per the lack of money from the shopkeeper (coming to our iPhone at 450,00 €) ".
Hoping to make you understand how it works, Guadagnolandia does not want to engage you with other discussions and will direct you to the list of the major sites that you can save by purchasing.

Tips and suggestion to make money online with online shopping

Expert's suggestion about how to make money online with online shopping
The only advice I'm going to give you is to sign up to several different sites than the ones above because it may happen that in some portals you will find the same offer you are looking for and then you will be able to choose the most competitive price.
At the end the registration is free!

Pros e cons about making money online with online shopping

Check now if it's convenient to use online shopping to make money online
- you save more than50%;
- free subscription;
- you pay to the seller;
- many products / services offered;
- you must reach a minimum number of reservations;
- for branded items the discount is not high;
- a lots of promotional advertising emails.
2 su 5.00 stelle
The use this earning method is relatively complicated and not suitable for everyone
4 su 5.00 stelle
This earning method allows you to make a relative high amount of money online
4 su 5.00 stelle
This online earning method requires a high time and money to spend

List of the best websites to make money online with online shopping

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