MoneyMakerLand - Get free referrals and make money online
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Why should I have to sponsorize?
Booking a link means inserting your own referral link in the description of the business. You can sponsorize the reservations for more advantages:
  • Suggested business: if you want to be sure to have one daily reservation blocking offers by covering the cost of the maximum offer
  • Rewards more the users: members can get 800 points (instead of 400) in case of subscriptions
  • More visibilty: sponsored businesses will be in the top of the lists and they appears as popup on the right bottom part of the screen
  • Link in ADS frames: during the navigations your ref link will be showed to the users in the ADS frame
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What's the meaning of the words under the green button?
MoneyMakerLand is one of the best online platforms to get free direct referral. We offer an advanced service that allows you to insert the ref-link in the "Visit now" green button of our official description of Moon Dogecoin.
  • Reserved: there is a ref-link of a member that used our referral reservation service
  • Sponsored: there is a ref-link of a member that shared his sponsored link
  • Not reserved: there isn't a ref-link of a member even if Moon Dogecoin has a reference system
  • Not bookable: Moon Dogecoin doesn't have a referral system to invite friends
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20th place in the ranking
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Moon Dogecoin
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Grank: 0.2

Moon Dogecoin

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Usage informations

We collect the various businesses suggested by users and we have nothing to do with the latter (including Moon Dogecoin), therefore it is not responsible for any possible wrongdoing.
We also don't force and not invite anyone to sign up, so using the various businesses presented (including Moon Dogecoin) should be considered as an autonomous and conscious choice of the individual who, assuming all the responsibilities, decides to open a position with this business.

Are you a responsible?

If you've noticed any errors or need to delete Moon Dogecoin from MoneyMakerLand, you can contact us directly by email at moneymakerland@gmail.com

in "faucet"
in the ranking
Usage informations

We collect the various businesses suggested by users and we have nothing to do with the latter (including Moon Dogecoin), therefore it is not responsible for any possible wrongdoing.
We also don't force and not invite anyone to sign up, so using the various businesses presented (including Moon Dogecoin) should be considered as an autonomous and conscious choice of the individual who, assuming all the responsibilities, decides to open a position with this business.

Are you a responsible?

If you've noticed any errors or need to delete Moon Dogecoin from MoneyMakerLand, you can contact us directly by email at moneymakerland@gmail.com

How to make money with Moon Dogecoin: full review

Reason of the suspension
Website doesn't exist anymore
The publication of Moon Dogecoin in MoneyMakerLand has been temporarily or permanently suspended.
We don't have any interests with the businesses being suggested and our goal is not to promote any online earning method, but it is committed to providing the user with a good security system through the feedback that is provided by the users themselves.

Thanks for the support,
The MoneyMakerLand staff

Moon Dogecoin is a faucet free that relies as always on the CoinPot micro-wallet and allows you to earn Dogecoin for free with minimal effort. What is a faucet? It is a type of portal comparable to a dripping faucet: the user, after registering, can access this tool and collect all the cryptomena released by this sort of digital tap. There are faucets specializing in all cryptocurrencies that currently run on the market: Moon Dogecoin, on the other hand, specializes in providing Dogecoin. At this point, surely you will want to find out how to use this web portal to get these cryptomonete for free.

Existing from 2017 and in English.
The best news is the following, and applies to any type of faucet currently in circulation: you will not have to do virtually anything, to get your Dogecoin free. This is because, once you have created your user profile, you just need to be there and wait to accumulate a certain number of crypto: then, when you want, you can request the loading of the sum accumulated up to that point. How to use Moon Dogecoin to earn free Dogecoin, then? First you will have to go to the service home page, and here enter your email associated with CoinPot or another micro-wallet: having the possibility to use CoinPot, you can save on transactions.

At this point you have to click on the "Sign In" button, which is right next to the space for entering the email. From now on, you will have the opportunity to enter the page of your user profile on Moon Dogecoin: you will immediately notice the existence of a timer on this section, which will begin to scroll when you are connected. The timer, in practice, counts the time elapsed since your last call: how many minutes have passed since you requested the loading of the encryption that you have accumulated. Under the timer, in fact, you can see the section "Current claim amount": the more time passes, the more the aforementioned is filled with Dogecoin.
Complaint whenever you want.
To earn free Dogecoin with Moon Dogecoin, you can click on the "Claim now" button to request your credit: when you do so, you will get the accumulated Dogecoin and bring the timer to zero and restart. There is one thing you need to know, though: you will not be able to claim the claim before 5 minutes at a time, but you can also let it roll over, with no time limit. However, it is not a good thing to do, because after 5 minutes the Dogecoin accreditation begins to decrease progressively. Finally, before obtaining the credit, you will also have to solve a small captcha.
There is a reference system that pays 25% of the claims made by their referrals and a further 1% for each referral that you own.
Once the dogecoins have been claimed they immediately go into your coinpot wallet, after which they can be picked up, at least 50.00 doge withdrawals, they arrive within 24 hours on your cryptovalute wallet.
We must therefore create a coinpot account, where in addition to the dogecoin you can collect other cryptocurrencies such as: litecoin, dashcoin, bitcoincash, bitcoin.
For every day that you connect, you receive an extra percentage point up to 100% for 100 days of connection to the site, just once a day, but be careful if you skip 2 days and resets.