Booking service updated

oodmorning everyone.I am here today to write this article because I wanted to inform you of a big new regarding bookings and that, in these first days of GetMyRefs activity, was my biggest cruelty.
As I note to many of you, hourly bookings are a great initiative when the business popularity is very high, however for those less popular businesses is something that is going to disincentive it further.
Here is the launch of progressive bands bookings, whose duration varies according to the popularity of the business itself!
In a nutshell, if a business is popular and there are many users wanting to make reservations (as I hope to do soon with the international launch), the time slots are down, while if a business is not booked, reservations will become 1 full day with the possibility to book it for many days at the usual cost of 400 GP.
I show a quick list here below, with durations and characteristics (remembering the fixed cost of 400 GP):
- less than 3 days of bookings, 24 hour time with the limit of 6 bookings for the same band;
- less than 7 days of reservations, 12 hours time with the limit of 5 bookings for the same band;
- less than 14 days of reservations, 8 hour time with the limit of 4 bookings for the same band;
- less than 21 days of bookings, 6 hours time with the limit of 3 bookings per same band;
- less than 30 days of bookings, 4 hours time with the limit of 2 bookings for the same band;
- less than 45 days of bookings, 3 hours time with the limit of 2 bookings for the same band;
- less than 60 days of bookings, 2 hours time with the limit of 2 bookings for the same band;
- more than 60 days of bookings, hourly time band with the limit of 2 bookings for the same band.
Remembering that in any business, however, there is a maximum spendable budget of 2.400 GP, I invite you to try the new service to find out any bugs.
What do you think? Do you like it as a solution?