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How to make money online with viral videos

Viral Videos: you make money by posting promotional viral videos
The viral video gain is one of those that must be included in the PPP category, namely Pay Per Play.
Surely, if you own a very popular website / blog, it is one of the best opportunities to monetize your web portal.
The mechanism is very simple and consists of inserting a video within 5 seconds of its own, which will start automatically every time a visitor arrives on that page.
How many times have you hated when you click a blog and before a page is fully loaded, tick a video to close?
This is why the reason is revealed.
In addition to the ease of use, the gains are very high.
The webmaster will receive up to 3 cents per video that will be displayed (that is whenever a user remains on the page for at least 7 seconds)...
does it seem like a little?!? Try doing 2 calculations.
A fairly popular site has about 10,000 daily visits so (roughly) about 150 visits per page. If we insert a viral video into 10 different pages we will have a daily earning of € 45.00 (150 x 10 x x 0.03 €)!

Tips and suggestion to make money online with viral videos

Expert's suggestion about how to make money online with viral videos
This is one of the methods that is getting more and more depopulated between webmasters because of the big gain and the ease of implementation.
However, our advice is to avoid using this opportunity if you do not have a fairly popular site / blog where users are usually coming back several times to visit it.
It may happen that a person who happens randomly on your site is annoyed by the initial video and will come out of the portal without having to return it again (if the site does not have a large number of visitors the gains will be limited).

Pros e cons about making money online with viral videos

Check now if it's convenient to use viral videos to make money online
- if the site is well-started you can make big money;
- the video will start automatically;
- just the visitor remains on page for 6";
- relatively high gain.
- few affiliate sites that allow this;
- the video audio may annoy the visitor;
- little information about it.
1 su 5.00 stelle
The use of this earning method is very complicated and suitable only for experts
5 su 5.00 stelle
This earning method allows you to make a really high amount of money online
5 su 5.00 stelle
This online earning method requires a maximum time and money to spend

List of the best websites to make money online with viral videos

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