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How to make money online with donations

Donations: you can make money by the donations from the users
Spontaneous donations are a revenue-generating method for internet sites that allows you to accumulate money donated directly by visitors.
For those sites that share services or information that other portals generally provide for them is a good source of revenue.
It is the visitor who voluntarily decides whether or not to make a donation and there is no obligation imposed by the site itself.
The promoter of this opportunity is the famous PayPal that makes available to anyone who has an open account to create the button.
Not yet registered with PayPal? Do it now because it will be the basis for earning (based on the exact collection) of almost all sites in GetMyRefs.

Even though the operations to do are very simple and accessible to everyone, I will still post a short guide to show where to find the "donation" button and how to customize it.

- Access the PayPal site and hit the "sales tools" button

- On the left click on "website payments"

- Slide the page and about halfway you will find the link "accept donations" (under the various buttons)

- Now is the time to create the button:
1) Select your favorite customization options;
2) will show a preview of how you can see the button;
3) set the currency with which to receive the donation;
4) decide whether to leave the donor free of the desired amount (recommended) or to postpone you.

- Press down and you will see the HTML code to be saved in your pages.

The guide is over, I hope to be useful to you.
Good earnings,
See you soon...

Tips and suggestion to make money online with donations

Expert's suggestion about how to make money online with donations
The advice is to put this button in a side menu (if you have it) or anywhere on the site that remains fixed and visible (footer, header, ...).
It is important because more visitors visit your pages and more unconsciously will be attracted to the button and if the user has found it well it can be more easily pushed to click on the button.
In this regard, I take the opportunity to invite you to make a small donation also to GetMyRefs. We would be very happy!

Pros e cons about making money online with donations

Check now if it's convenient to use donations to make money online
- it is not an invasive banner;
- it suits the webmaster because it means the site is appreciated;
- is a gain extra of that of the site;
- strong personalization is allowed;
- many have PayPal to make the donation.
- rarely a visitor makes a donation;
- in times of economic crisis like the present one it is impossible for someone to "sacrifice" his money to thank someone;
- maximum donations are of2 €;
- Form filling is laborious.
1 su 5.00 stelle
The use of this earning method is very complicated and suitable only for experts
4 su 5.00 stelle
This earning method allows you to make a relative high amount of money online
4 su 5.00 stelle
This online earning method requires a high time and money to spend

List of the best websites to make money online with donations

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