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How to make money online with paid to surf

Paid To Surf: you make money visiting the sites
AutoSurf / ManualSurf sites are one of the many methods found on the net that allow you to recite something.
The gains are limited (a few tens of euros per month) but the work to be done is minimal: just sign up for one of these sites, open the navigation link that is inside the site and leave the browser open; automatically opens a window where the inserted sites scroll one after the other independently (so it seems difficult, but with the help and experience you will realize it is very, very trivial).
Practically you can also define it with the name of exchange visits.
The precedent is simple: Every user who wants to advertise their site inserts the url into this autosurf. Each time you view a page (which corresponds to another user's site), you are credited with 1 or 2 credits.
The accumulation of these credits can be consumed in 2 ways: either getting visits to your site, or collecting money.
It's one of the simplest methods that exists, but lately Autosurf sites are having a strong process of degradation.
Many sites close, others do not pay, some send viruses.
In this area of ??Guadagnolandia you will learn how to deactivate the various offers and sites, trying not to slip through the web S**Ms. But why did the autosurf situation get so much worse?
Simplicity in earning this method has led many users to come across this technique; but some of them have not limited themselves to this and have in their turn opened their own autosurf site. How can you figure it out for the sake of it, with the mirage of earning more than they deserve and shortly closing. In the meantime, however, they have "stolen traffic" to other payroll autosurfs forever and in the same way, many of them have decided to shut down: it is a chain mechanism!

Tips and suggestion to make money online with paid to surf

Expert's suggestion about how to make money online with paid to surf
IMPORTANT: In order to avoid weighing the site, GetMyRefs has decided to create a unique area for both AutoSurfs and ManualSurfs. Practically, the process, the mechanisms and the functions are the same, the only difference is, as you may guess, that ManualSurf does not automatically open a new tab at the end of the countdown, but action is required by the ' user.
In any case, I advise you not to leave the computer turned on for AutoSurf sites, but to use them when you have turned on the internet for a valid reason.
I NEVER invest money to acquire; we have said that a defect is that AutoSurf sites, after a period of activity, tend to disappear into nothingness, so it's best to risk losing only time instead of just money.
For the rest, referring to the guide.

Pros e cons about making money online with paid to surf

Check now if it's convenient to use paid to surf to make money online
- is a totally free method;
- you do not invest your own money;
- is an automatic method;
- little invasive method (just open the browser only);
- easy to use;
- you do not have to be in the computer to run procedures.
- The gain is low;
- Sites often become S**Ms;
- there is not much information about it;
- more than a gain method would be born as exchange visits;
- It happens that windows on windows slow down the PC.
5 su 5.00 stelle
The use this earning method is really easy and all of the users can use this opportunity
1 su 5.00 stelle
This earning method allows you to make a really low amount of money online
1 su 5.00 stelle
This online earning method requires almost zero time and money to spend

List of the best websites to make money online with paid to surf

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